DENSE_RANK function in SQL

The DENSE_RANK function in SQL is a window function that assigns a rank to each row within a partition of a result set. The rank is based on the values of one or more columns. Unlike the RANK function, which can leave gaps in the ranking after ties, DENSE_RANK does not skip ranks after a tie. Instead, it assigns consecutive ranks, ensuring no gaps in ranking values.


  • Ties: When two or more rows tie for a rank based on the ordering column(s), they receive the same rank. The next rank(s) are incremented by 1, regardless of the number of tied rows.
  • Partitioning: If the PARTITION BY clause is used, the ranking restarts for each partition.
  • Ordering: The ORDER BY clause determines the order in which the ranks are assigned.

SQL Syntax

DENSE_RANK() OVER ( [PARTITION BY column1, column2, ...] ORDER BY column3, column4, ... ) AS alias_name

Example Usage

Consider a table Employees with the following columnsEmployeeID, DepartmentID, and Salary.

CREATE TABLE Employees ( EmployeeID int, DepartmentID int, Salary decimal );

Suppose you want to rank employees within each department based on their salary in descending order:

SELECT EmployeeID, DepartmentID, Salary, DENSE_RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY DepartmentID ORDER BY Salary DESC ) AS SalaryRank FROM Employees;

Explanation of the Example

  • PARTITION BY DepartmentID: The ranking is reset for each department.
  • ORDER BY Salary DESC: Employees are ranked based on their salary, with higher salaries receiving a lower rank number.
  • DENSE_RANK(): Employees with the same salary in the same department receive the same rank. The next different salary in the same partition gets the next consecutive rank.

Use Cases

  • Performance Evaluation: Ranking employees by performance metrics within departments.
  • Educational Grading: Assigning ranks to students based on scores, where students with identical scores receive the same rank.
  • Sales Data Analysis: Ranking products or sales regions by sales volume or revenue.

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